Running, Tennis & Golf.
October Boarding Assembly
This evening we had our second Boarding Assembly of the year.
We touched on many topics, ranging from sharing all of the good things that have happened in our first month at school to Pillar 1 of our Wellbeing Program – of which both Karim and Jules are student advocates.
Hummus Where The Heart Is – Lebanese Night!
Quizzically Disney.
This evening, Karim and Nadim represented Franconis in the second challenge of the House Competition: the Disney Quiz!
While they didn’t win, they definitely tried their best and all I will say is…
Let It Go.
Nihad’s Judo Development!
Today, Nihad received his Judo Orange belt! We are quite proud of him and he is excited for the next belt: Green!
Golf, Tennis And Lunch With Our Boarding Neighbors.
Wellbeing Pillar 1 – Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds
Our first pillar of our Wellbeing Programme is coming to an end. We have shared some fantastic discussions with our students, who have demonstrated fantastic knowledge and and understanding of the topics we have covered.
They have showed us that sports activity, as well as a healthy diet, is crucial for a healthy, happy and successful life.
We have concluded this pillar by asking our students one simple question:
‘How have our friends helped us in maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle?’
The aim of this question was to encourage the students to reflect on the key takeaway points from this pillar; ‘Sport for a healthy mental balance’ and ‘The importance of nutrition’. They could also reflect on positive influences in their lives, as well as the benefits of group activities.
International Dinner: Thailand!
Musically Inclined!
This afternoon, Jules spent an hour learning how to play the guitar with our resident music aficianado Mr. Roger from Léman.