So far we have had three House Competitions this first marking period.
Our first competition was the Sports Day, in which we had to compete head-on against the other houses in a series of different sporting events.
The second competition was the Quiz. We had to put forward our best two quiz masters of the House in order to answer general knowledge and CDL related questions.
The third competition was the Pumpkin Carving competition. This showed off the creative side to our House and we went for the pure Halloween scare.
With a House of 28 teenage boys, it can be a challenge to motivate them in many aspects. As they navigate these developing years they have a mix of priorities which are always changing and a self-imposed pressure to confirm and impress others.
We are extremely proud that they are able to put this aside and bonded together and formed a House spirit in order to want to compete. When they have put their efforts into it they have done extremely well, placing 1st in the Sports Day, 1st in the Quiz and 2nd in the Pumpkin Carving.