An Activity-filled Windy Weekend

This weekend, the Léman boys took advantage of facilities both within the school campus and further afield, partaking in golf, tennis and climbing among other activities. Despite the chilly breeze this weekend, the boys’ enthusiasm was unaffected and great fun was had!



The Mountain Weekend in Leysin and Verbier

This weekend, we went on our annual autumn term mountain trip, which was planned by our fantastic Camps Team.

Our grade 10 students packed their bags and travelled to the magnificent resort of Leysin, where they explored new surroundings and developed new survival skills. Our grade 11-12 students visited the magnificent resort of Verbier, where they mountain biked around the 4 Vallées, went rock climbing, and took photos of the scenic surroundings.

Most significantly, all of our students had a fantastic time and created unforgettable memories.

September’s Boarding Assembly

Tonight was our first boarding assembly, and we discussed a variety of things. We had an incredible presentation by Aydan and Antoni, who spoke about their experiences during the Triathlon, and of course, our one and only Joe, who delivered a sharp speech about the annual Escalade run!

An excellent weekend of activities!

This weekend, the Leman boys participated in a variety of exciting activities, taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Off-campus activities included golf, horse-riding and being towed around Lake Geneva on a banana boat.

There were also numerous on-site activities for the boys to take advantage of, such as climbing and tennis. They all showed great enthusiasm and relished the chance to relax after a busy first full week.