A Wonderful Boarding Assembly!

During our boarding assembly today, the boys got to see and listen to a broad array of individuals from the school presenting various topics. We had the opportunity to watch several of our boys take part in a uniquely entertaining play on the cultural significance of the Lunar New Year calendar, listen to Mr Antonio discuss a charitable initiative encouraging students to take ownership of positive volunteer work and enjoy the music being played by Samuel. These were just a few of the wonderful presentations that we had the opportunity to see. The boarding assembly is a monthly opportunity for our boys and the broader Boarding community to listen to other individuals present ideas and express themselves creatively.

Our Lebanese feast this evening!

This evening, the school was visited by a local restaurant who had prepared tremendous amounts of Lebanese for the students and staff. It was a lovely meal and a great opportunity to expand the students’ culinary horizons! Tender beef, rich hummus and fresh lettuce and tomato were just some of the delicious ingredients and foods that were served to us. Overall, this meal allowed the boys to spend some quality time with their peers and to grow to appreciate internationalism in all of its forms.