Mountain Biking


On Saturday morning, the advance mountain bikers take off towards the local forest. They follow the tree lined footpath that runs next to the local stream and nearing its source somewhere amongst the forest. The pace of the biking was fast, and everybody was working hard to stick together. Once in the forest, it was time to find  the central path, it is large and heads in the direction of school, and most importantly in travels down hill!  At the bottom of the forest path when the treeline comes to an end and the bikers enter the morning sun, a small drinking spring is located by  the path to provide the thirsty rider with a cold mouthful of refreshing spring water. After giving the legs a couple of minutes to recharge, onward towards school, the final one kilometre, cutting through the back streets of Versoix.

Luther`s Discovery Day

For my Discovery Day I went to Château D’oex at the Swiss Leadership Camp  with all IB1 students, on the 17th to the 18th of September, it took us 2 hours to get there by a tour bus. I shared a room with 4 other students.

Upon arrival, we were separated into 5 groups according to our advisory class. We all participated in an activity called “The Amazing Race”, where we competed against other groups to finish as many activities as possible, to get points in 4 hours. We were supposed to navigate through a forest with a map, our group had 3 advisers. I was in group 1, the first activity for our group was tightrope walking, it went smoothly. Next, we had to build a catapult with bamboo sticks and rubber bands, we were supposed to shoot balls with it and catch it from a distance with a bucket, I was the receiver for my group, it took a short time for us to finish this challenge.  After that, we had to cross a river with a zip-line, my whole lower body got wet, luckily, I took my shoes off for this activity. The last activity was building a big pyramid with 4 layers of smaller pyramids also made of bamboo sticks and rubber bands, it took our group 16 minutes to build the whole thing. My group won The Amazing Race because most of us tried. Later that night, we gathered in our groups to finish our science group 4 project, part of it was entertaining.

The next day, along with 19 other students, I went to Leysin for caving, we wore wet suits, helmets and a harness. The entrance of the cave was very tight, so we had to apply Vaseline to slide through. After going through the entrance, we attached our harnesses to a rope, and we were climbing in the dark cave. The whole activity was over in about an hour, we hiked down to get back on to the tour bus and headed to school. The whole Discovery Days experience was mostly positive.

By Luther

The Birds & the Bees

Over the summer we had a few surprises in our flower boxes.

A Wagtail bird raised four young offspring, using the tomatoes as cover.

And as our terrace ecosystem flourishes, a small nest of Potter Wasps arose to help control the insect pests.

As the strength of the sun grew, as did our bounty of produce and continues to do so.


Welcome to the Jungle

After a colder than normal spring, the terrace plants are rapidly growing. We have herbs, salad plants, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, courgettes, carrots to name a few. Thanks to the contributions from the boys and our water boy Luther, who keeps the plants watered during the warm weather. Fingers crossed that we can come back after the summer holiday to a bounty of fresh vegetables.