Hello Everyone and welcome to the blog of Concha Annexe!
Last week we, Katie and I, Lies, finally got to open our house and welcomed three amazing students who moved from the house Old Portena, to here.
Their first week has been really busy by moving all their stuff from one house to the other, decorating their new place, having a sleepover in the weekend, welcoming friends and doing many activities such as cooking, a movie night and going to the aquarium in Lausanne.
Paria also celebrated the Iranian New Year together with some other students. They cooked and enjoyed from home-made traditional dishes.
Yesterday we had our CDL-Day where all the students got spoiled with good music, snacks and where they could cheer for each other during the Grand Prix.
We are off to a good start and we as Houseparents are glad to have those three wonderful girls in our house!