Air14 Payerne


The Swiss Air Force has always had a double role. On the one hand, its mission is the policing and defense of Suisse air space with the use of powerful aircraft. On the other hand, it attracts crowds fascinated by demonstrations where experienced pilots can show their mastery of the three dimensions, either individually or in formation. These professional pilots know how to push their powerful engines to the limit while demonstrating the maneuverability of their steel machines to produce a magnificent and unique air show. It is never about showing off and taking risks but rather an extraordinary demonstration of technical mastery.
This theme is the guideline for AIR14 PAYERNE.


imageThe Swiss Air Force has always had a double role. On the one hand, its mission is the policing and defense of our air space with the use of powerful aircraft. On the other hand, it attracts crowds fascinated by demonstrations where experienced pilots can show their mastery of the three dimensions, either individually or in formation. These professional pilots know how to push their powerful engines to the limit while demonstrating the maneuverability of their steel machines to produce a magnificent and unique air show. It is never about showing off and taking risks but rather an extraordinary demonstration of technical mastery.  This theme is our guideline for AIR14 PAYERNE. image imageimage image


We’re glad to get in touch to welcome you into another exiting school year. It is going to be an amazing journey, challenging and stimulating for all of us as it will be full of important transitions.
Throughout the year we will communicate with you through emails, our House Blog, and phone calls.
We believe that a good parent-house parents relationship is necessary for maximum school success of our students. We strongly encourage you to contact us  for any question or concern at any time.
We will be pleased to share with you all the achievements/victories and defeats/small daily events that your sons will be experiencing this year.
Please feel free to make regular visits to our house blog for an update and some photographs on what the boys have been up to. You will find it at . Please remember this is run by the students.
We hope you will be a frequent visitor!