Montreux Christmas Market

The first Sunday of December is a cold, yet sunny one! Many of the boys went on a trip to Montreux, in order to enjoy the charming Christmas market along the eastern end of the lake. Even in sub-zero temperatures, the sun ensured the trip was both relatively warm for the month of December, and relaxing, as we approach the end of the first term.Image previewImage previewImage previewImage preview

Chocolate Factory Trip

On Sunday, the boys took a trip to the “Maison Cailler Museum” in Broc. During their visit, they learnt about how the Swiss chocolate was made, before being manufactured for sale around the world. At the end of the visit, they were greeted by a buffet of chocolate, where they were able to tasted the various typed of Cailler chocolate.

All the boys visiting the factory


Me when chocolate phone case

A few group pictures

Me when white chocolate

10/10 would recommend

Me when chocolate