End of year video.

This year, we experienced laughter, tears, and a heartfelt journey of friendship with the Concha Annexe Boarding House. Through our blog, you followed the lives of six best friends – Armin, Diego, Jamil, Lyam, Micha, and Taha – as they navigated the ups and downs of teenagehood at Collège du Léman. Reading our posts will take you on a journey that will leave you feeling like you’re hanging out with your own group of hilarious and lovable friends.

RISE to the stars

Today Diego with a group of enthusiastic students embarked on an educational journey as they eagerly visited the local observatory of Versoix. Filled with curiosity and anticipation, they stepped into the world of stars, planets, and galaxies. Inside the observatory, they were greeted by knowledgeable astronomers who passionately shared their insights about the universe. Guided by the astronomers’ expertise, the students marvelled at the vastness of the night sky through powerful telescopes. They observed distant constellations, witnessed the intricate dance of celestial bodies, and contemplated the mysteries of the cosmos. The visit to the observatory ignited a spark of wonder and ignited their passion for astronomy, leaving them with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and grandeur of the universe.