CDL Talks!!!

A new initiative launched yesterday ,where a network of today’s most influential figures across business, arts, politics and more will donate some of their valuable  time , open up their thoughts and curious-fuelling experiences to our students and CDL community.

Yesterday we were privileged to welcome Mr Edward GIRARDET who gave an inspiring speech about his life and work.We were all urged and motivated to write as much we can,express ourselves and feelings,take nothing for granted, search,question and think.

Sleep well and Thrive!!

In our wellbeing session tonight we covered the vital issue of sleep and how the lack of it can severely affect our health.

The girls were motivated at the end to do an experiment to find out if they actually have enough sleep.

Along with nutrition and exercise, good sleep is one of the pillars of health.

You simply cannot achieve optimal health without taking care of your sleep.


Dixie is waiting for you!

Numerous studies have shown the importance of Dog Walking. Benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones (built up by walking regularly), and decreased stress. A regular walk is vitally important for your pet’s health too..We offer our boarders this unique experience ,to Have fun with Dixie.This afternoon Kate took her for her walk and hey both enjoyed it endlessly.