Senegalicious! One people, one goal, multiple signature dishes!

Jaam nga am, everybody! Jaam rek, Yow nag?

It’s another wonderful international dinner here at CDL! And this week we have the privilege of savouring some fine Senegalese cuisine!

The flag of the placid and populous West African State of Senegal. The green representing the Colour of The Prophet as as much as 90% of the Senegalese populace is Muslim. The golden yellow in the centre is the exegesis of creativity and passion and the red is the colour of the blood and life that flows between the people of this proud country.

The formidable Coat of Arms of Senegal.

We are immensely proud to have so many guest chefs here at CDL to bring a piece of their culture to us so that we can devour it and pester them for seconds. We’ve got a hunger of knowledge and foreign cuisine, here at CDL and we haven’t been satiated yet! With a kitchen crew like this, there’s never fear of a hitch when dining our way around the world!

Food is the ultimate communal experience. Since man stoked the flames of the bonfire, cooking and eating around the hearth and hearts of a community has been one of the oldest and strongest cornerstones in human togetherness. And this meshes perfectly with CDL as the ultimate communal experience.

Another wonderful community trip around the world. About 55cm. The circumference of our dinner plates.

We hope that you take your stomach on an adventure, soon! It’s always worth it at CDL!

Pillar 4- Online Safety

This week we started Pillar 4 of our Wellbeing Programme.

Online Safety

We introduced the Pillar this week in our Monthly Assembly. Our students spend a lot of their time online whether as part of their academics, social life or indeed free time. It is therefore important we aid them with the right tools to navigate this online world just as we do in the real world. It is important they are educated not only on the benefits of technology but also on their responsibility of protecting themselves and others.