Winter Break Is Here!

Have a special time over the Winter Break and make every moment last. It’s going to be a cold winter so remember to wrap up warm and maybe a cup of hot chocolate might help too! We will miss you all and will be ready to welcome you in the new year!

Suit up !!!

Tonight is a big night for the boarding !!!!
We have a diner all together to celebrate; the end of the first term, Christmas, and mostly to welcome the upcoming year.
Our girls and boys put on their finest dresses and most elegant suits to give a great impression before living for a well-deserved holiday.


Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings are a great way to start the weekend by exploring hobbies, passions and discovering new activities.
For his second lesson, Matvei show more and more interest in photography and try to improve his style in each new shot.
Higher and harder is Firdavs motto for a climbing session that he likes to practice each Saturday, so he can warm his body for the whole weekend and be more energetic.
Liam, Zhiyu & Nicholas made delicious Christmas cookies that they shared with everyone in the afternoon while we had a nice hot chocolate.
Mikaella on her side always appreciates spending time with her blue-eyed poney.

Fête de l’Escalade and the Famous Marmite

Tonight we celebrated “Escalade” a traditional Geneva festival that celebrates the victory of the Geneva republic against the Savoy’s Army in 1602. Each year we buy a chocolate marmite full of candies. By tradition, the youngest and the eldest person in the room smash it.

Here is a link to have a better view on the full story that happened more than 400 years ago !!!

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This week, Liam told us all the story of Sinterklass or Saint Nicholas. Traditionally, young children put their shoes in front of the door and sing Sinterklaas songs, They then put an apple or carrot in their shoe, as a gift to Saint Nicholas’ horse. The next morning, the children will wake up to find a small present in their shoes. Along with Liam, the boys all joined in on this tradition and were very happy to wake up to some treats Sinterklaas had magically left for them.