Embracing Unity in Diversity!
Students gathered to discuss and reflect on the similarities and differences that make each of us wonderfully distinct. To bring these insights to life, we employed a Venn diagram exercise, pairing roommates to explore the intricacies of their individuality. The beauty of this exercise lies in its simplicity. Students eagerly shared in conversations, discovering facets of their roommates’. The Venn diagrams, serving as visual representations of their discussions, became windows into the rich tapestry of our diverse community. Through exercises like these, we celebrate the uniqueness of each student and house parents.
What a spectacular show we saw this Sunday! We went to La Rosey and they told a wonderful story about a siberian tiger, and an incredibly talented sand artist was creating art simultaneously with the play that was being performed.
Some of our boys visited the Olympus Boarding House and have started to learn how to play pool. Begginer’s luck on their side they proved themselves worther of a good match.
A huge thank you to our Prefects who took the time to create interactive board games to support our young boarders in learning French. Merci 🙂
On one of those rainy Sundays, we thought to enjoy various indoor activities and games, we had senior visitors who joined in and we made a start on a painting project. Whilst others boarders went to Cailler chocolate factory and Tennis lessons.
Happy 12th birthday Yingfan! 🎉🎂🎈
May this year be full of exciting adventures, new discoveries, and wonderful moments. Enjoy every moment of being 12 and make beautiful memories to cherish. Here’s to an amazing year ahead and a fantastic birthday celebration!
Fierce competition every year!!!!
Halloween is students’ favourite day of the year, dressing up, visiting other boarding houses, and hustling for sweets. We had a great time.
An enormous thanks to our incredible chefs and kitchen staff for creating unforgettable celebrations! The students were truly spoiled. The Halloween party continues this evening… BEWARE !!!