We got all packed and headed on down to the lake. Such an amazing warm day and the water was perfectly refreshing. We made sure to have our life jackets on and to stay safe with lots of sun-cream on but most of all we made sure to have a great time!
Today we had four of our boys who volonteered to bring the recycling bags.
For them it bacame part of their week-end routine to bring all the pizza box, bottles and batteries to the recycle bins.
This is our little bookshelf in Champs des Bois. All sorts of wonderful books are at the children’s reach. We have novels, non-fiction, encyclopedias, comics & graphic novels, French books and lots more.
30th of May and it’s our first swim of the year! The swimming pool in Concha Boarding House’s garden is now open. The boys jumped on the chance to go. The weather couldn’t have been better as it was warm and the water was so refreshing! The children had an incredible amount of fun.