Today, the kids had the opportunity to go to Versoix’s Ice Rink with boys and girls from different boarding houses. ❄️
Some of them already knew how to do ice skating, however, there were others who hadn’t done it before or hadn’t practiced it that much. The truth is, some of them were not really sure about trying it out at first, as they were afraid they could fall and consequently, others were going to laugh. Nevertheless, the good thing is that everyone supported one another, and those who were more skilled did not hesitate to help those who needed a hand. In addition, la patinoire de Versoix counts on a small bar, where the kids could get some iced tea and hot chocolate after the one-hour-and-a-half ice skating session. ⛸️
All in all, a very bonding and enriching experience our Concha boys will remember with joy. Are they going to do the same next weekend? Stay tuned for more Concha updates! ✌🏻

Ready to rock the ice rink! ⛸️

Firdavs made some moves on the rink 🤩

Look at this crew! 😝

Jiarui tried it for the first time. Though hard at first, he loved it!

Daniel and Shaokun from Léman having a good time

We need a physical copy of this picture, it’s sooooo cool! 📸

Gianni was gradually gaining more confidence

Once he learnt the basic moves, Zhengtai was unstoppable! 🙌🏻

Fanyang was actually telling me off in this picture because I subconsciously called him Fanbo 😭 (by the way, look who’s in the back)

Adam and Alex helped Jiarui!