So Many Books, So Little Time – Frank Zappa

Calm down time and having a little read with the Grade 8s. It is nice to see them in their own worlds and how their vocabulary is flourishing each time we run through the tricky words.

Top words of the evening:

Resignedly: (adverb) in a way that expresses giving in to the insistence of another or to circumstances beyond one’s control.

Busted: (adjective) in trouble; caught doing something bad or wrong.

Hyper: (adjective) overexcited; overstimulated.

Fanbo, Javi & Firdavs – Caught in the plot.

Jiarui found a quiet spot to himself.

Honours Recognition Assembly

Well done to our young ones for being great students. Our Head of Boarding Mr. Usher wanted to give a big thank you to the students for being great examples here at Collège du Léman. Our Concha representatives are Alex, Juze, Eduardo and Fanyang – good job boys and keep it up!


Juze & Fanyang on stage.