One Week To Go!

To commemorate the end of term drawing closer, here are some highlights from the past few weeks! While energy levels often dip towards the end of a term, the boys have maintained their tenacity, continuing to learn new skills, share meaningful moments, and grow as individuals each day. We couldn’t be prouder!

New rewards brings high tensions for the last dice roll of term!

Whoooo Disssss

Gianni cracked the code and learned to tie his own tie!

The face you make when you hear “it’s time to kart”.

Wholesome moments from the boys

A couple of tough guys over here…

A few more tough guys?…

The star of the show; Mr. Victor delivering a heartfelt speech at the boarding assembly.

Dressed to impress, headed to the boarding assembly.

Rudolph chillin.


The newest addition of games in the house.

Where it always starts, and where it always ends.

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