Sunday Bike Ride

It was a crisp and fresh Sunday morning, and a perfect time to go for our usual weekend bike ride through the forest. It was a perfect way to get out of the house and exercise before enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon. Same time next week……..

Charity Gift Box Appeal – Promoting diversity

Today some of our boys went to help make presents for this year’s gift box appeal. This year, as a school, we will be sending presents at Christmas time to underprivileged children in Eastern Europe, who will not be getting any other presents this year.

This was such a positive event and it was amazing to see the boys so willing to help and do something nice for other people, no matter what country or background they come from.

This also means that some of our boys completed their individual projects for the second Wellbeing Pillar – Protecting against bullying and promoting diversity.

Thank you boys – a wonderful moment.

Saturday morning Woodcrafting activity :)

Our Primary Boarders were thrilled to get the opportunity again to participate in a Woodcraft workshop on Saturday morning. Some of these boys were waiting a very long time for this moment. A perfect way to start the day, and the weekend. Another fun activity we can do together as a group.

Always helping and supporting each other

A huge thank you to the senior students who have been in Concha this week to help our younger boys with their homework. It is amazing to have the help and support from the older students in our community. To want to help others regardless of age, nationality and ability, is an important value to us and it is wonderful to see it happening more and more.

Spirit week at CDL

This week, we have been celebrating Spirit week here at CDL. Spirit is one of our key principles and represents the ‘S’ in our school motto – RISE. As a Boarding community, we were able to produce this amazing video with all of our Boarding students present. The video is a wonderful representation of the togetherness and diversity that is permanent throughout our school.