As part of Pillar 4, we are looking at the topic of Whats Goes Online Stays Online.
The internet is now part of our everyday lives, whether this is in School, Work or our Social Time. We have instant access to knowledge, entertainment, communication and being connected with others. Most of our students use a form of Social Media in their daily use of the internet. The major ones being SnapChat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, VK, WhatsApp, WeChat, YouTube etc.
This is a great way for remaining in contact with our loved ones and friends no matter where they are in the world. We can also document our travels, adventures and life with pictures and follow others. With the ease of access, it allows us to be connected to those we find inspirational or enjoy the entertainment of.
However, when we post a picture, or make a comment, or write a blog- we need to be conscious that when it goes online, it stays online.
A picture that we think is funny, may not appear that way to everyone. Indeed, once it is online and people can see it, then we are no longer in control of it as they can download, share it, pass it on, or post it elsewhere. We therefore, need to be conscious of whether we would feel comfortable with other people seeing that picture- parents, teachers, university, employers….
Even something we send in private to a friend – once it is in their possession we are no longer in control with what happens to it.
This becomes even more worrying when we share things publically or with hundreds of followers, subscribers or ‘friends’ who we don’t know.
Next week we will be focusing on Who are your followers?