Following on from Pillar 1. We have embarked on our second Pillar.
Under the umbrella phrase of “Promoting Diversity and Protecting Against Bullying” we wish to focus on two takeaway points;
Bullying happens in different social settings – deals with the fact that bullying is not just related to racism and physical violence. It can be found in a lot of different social contexts and takes place for various reasons. It links with discrimination, and it is one way of expressing it.
Diversity: how can we work together? – As an opposite to discrimination we have diversity and all the options we have available to tighten our bonds and learn more about each other, again in a whole lot of different settings. Community Service and Charity allow us to perceive the world and people from a different perspective and encourage us to fight our stereotypes while at the same time granting us the possibility of working together for common causes.