Domiciano – A writer and dreamer ✍️📖

Domiciano is a passionate writer and today we decided to talk to him about his published book as well as his creative process. We had an informal interview/chat which was fantastic and gave us a little more insight into what it takes to write a book. Below are some highlights of our talk:


When did you first realise you had a passion for writing? 

“I guess that this started with school assignments and having to write and prepare assignments for literature subjects. I then realised that writing was a great way of expressing myself better and constructively sharing my thoughts.”

Was there a particular moment or experience that led you to start writing?

“Not really, I must admit that my parents encouraged me to do so and this was a supportive push for me to write my stories.”

Are there any Authors, Books or people that inspire and influence your writing style?   

“I would say that my Dad and Sister also write and this encouraged me to do so as well. One of the Authors I get inspiration from is Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, a Portuguese writer who in many of her works describes Childhood memories and nostalgic moments”

Has reading influenced your writing or even the other way around? 

“Reading makes me more aware of other genres and great ways to send my message across to an audience. It provides style ideas and structures that I can then use within my own ideas”

What inspired the idea for your book – The Curls of Kavuto? 

“I would say mainly my sister but most importantly a little reflection on Angolan Society in general.”

Many authors and artists have different creative processes. What is yours? 

“What works for me is during the day, for example, I get ideas and make a note of them on my phone. As some time I start puzzling these ideas together to find a great theme or paragraph. I also start finding ways to connect what I have been reading and experiencing around me every day and write with this in mind.”

What did you do when you hit a creative dry spell?

“When this happened I normally did some research about my topic and this helped connect me back with my own storyline.”

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while writing and publishing your book? 

“I would say working with the Editor was very challenging as we needed to meet several times and discuss our differences in opinion but ultimately produce a great book together. Also at the book launch in Luanda, speaking in public was not easy as people had many questions and I needed to find different ways to convey my answers clearly and effectively.”

What is the most surprising thing you learned about publishing a book? 

“The most surprising thing for me was the amount of people involved and necessary to publish one book is incredible from the Editor to the  Illustrator, Paging, Translator, and many others that need to work together with one common goal.”

What advice would you give your friends here at CDL who also love to write but haven’t had the courage to share their work yet?

“I would say that finding someone you fully trust and sending them your work is very important. You can ask their opinion and discuss your work without it becoming public or with any judgment. After that, you might then feel more incentive to approach another writer or editor and ask for their opinion. Also, you can always use a Pseudonym if you are not comfortable with your name being used in publications. The important is writing and seeing how your words are read by different people.”

Do you have future publication plans? 

“Yes, I really want to write a Novel for an older audience and possibly make that into a screenplay or theatrical play. In the works still … “



Thank you so much Domiciano for sharing all of this with us. We loved your book and look forward to reading your next Novel!




Musical composition – Mykhail’s hidden talent

Mykhail continues to love producing Music, especially electronic compositions in a Rock/Metal style. He says that while he is exploring and creating Musical ideas, it helps him disconnect from daily study routines and also to be more in contact with friends back home in Ukraine where they exchange ideas and musical tips with one another. This is a very personal hobby and he generally composes for himself but we have encouraged Mykhail to share more of his work and even produce an album to showcase within Boarding.

For now, one of his recent compositions that you can listen below:


We look forward to that album Mykhail !!

Planespotting – a Hobby that turned into a Passion

Since Stefan came to Switzerland he has not stopped pursuing his passions, one of them being Photography. Besides having weekly classes where he has the opportunity to deepen the lens on the physical and digital operation of film, he also really enjoys planespotting during his free time, spending afternoons in the airport admiring these jets.

This was the case for yesterday as Stefan woke up very early and left for Zurich where he spent the day waiting for his favourite planes. From the hundreds of captures he got he was happy with these two shots showcased below. It is inspiring to hear his descriptions about the challenges he faces to find the right moment, angle and plane for a shot …


Nowruz Mubarak


The Leman Boarding House wishes a Happy Nowruz that shines as bright as the warm Spring Sun we now have coming from behind the clouds. May this new year bring lots of success and happiness !!


Ramadan Mubarak

As the journey begins tonight we have prepared a festive breakfast for our Leman boys. We offer our support and care in the following month along their path.

Wishes of a Blessed Ramadan to all.

Ice Hockey Star

Every weekend, our boy from Leman, Apollo, plays ice hockey with the Geneva team, Geneve-Servette Associattion. Sometimes he plays in Geneva and sometimes he plays away. So far they are doing well in the league, we will see how they finish, but we are still very proud of what our boy from Leman is achieving.

Let’s go Servette!

🏮 Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Lunar New Year ! 🏮

Gong Xi Fa Cai (Wish you a very prosperous new year with fortune), is a popular phrase used to wish Happy New Year in Chinese Tradition.

The year 2024 is the Dragon year. According to the Chinese tradition, those born in the Dragon years are charismatic, ambitious and successful.

Our Leman boys prepared and celebrated the occasion inviting many of their friends and cooked, laughed and made a festive feast for each other. Great to see people from different nationalities coming together to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


“A Musician cannot move others unless he too is moved” C.P.E.Bach

Today Apollo inspired us with a Musical Performance, bringing sounds of Chinese traditional Music to our Eiger Auditorium.

He performed on a Hulusi flute which is a Chinese wind instrument made of a gourd and bamboo. It has been said to sound like bagpipes but unlike the bagpipe these pipes can be opened and closed. The reed resonator acts as an air pressure reservoir and allows the notes to be deeply bent – the Hulusi flute is in fact a chromatic instrument because the microtones in between the holes are all accessible.

The special ability to bend notes makes the Hulusi a highly expressive instrument which we clearly heard in Apollo’s performance tonight.

Thank you Apollo for sharing your Music with us.


Birthday boys


Today we have a very double special celebration as our two prefects Roi and Yosuke turn 18 and 19 respectively.

A moment to remember with friends and family from Leman …


Happy Birthday Roi and Yosuke !!

Momo’s sustainable city

Momo’s Geography Teacher challenged him to envision and create a sustainable city. He worked extensively to create a centre engineered to improve environmental impact through precise urban planning, renewable energies and good management.

We later realised that this eco-friendly goal was achieved right in front of our eyes as many Leman students and HouseParents worked sustainably together to help Momo complete his fantastic project.


Well done Momo!!




Building Positive Friendships and Relationships

We have now entered a new chapter of our Wellbeing Program which is Pillar 3 and centers on Building Positive Friendships and Relationships.

As Parents, we try to motivate our students to understand the values and skills that will help form these positive connections as having friends can greatly help them learn about themselves and the uniqueness of others. Friendship experiences teach us how to build successful relationships, handle conflict and contribute positively to the lives of others. We are certain that our students will experience many joys and challenges among friends and everyone plays a key role in helping to understand how to process their positive and negative experiences.

To launch this important reflection we interviewed some of our Leman boys and asked the following question:

What qualities do you look for in a friend? 

Have a look at their opinions:




WATU Winter Concert


This evening our talented Jason took on this Musical challenge and joined the WATU Winter Concert in aid of one of our school’s charities. Whether he was playing or singing, he was enjoying every minute and we are proud he joined his fellow Musicians.

Well done Jason!


Clash of the Titans – Boarders vs Day Students


Whoever attended the match yesterday evening, witnessed a great Basketball game between fierce players and passionate talents. A bittersweet ending as our boys lost but were proud about how they played together even though they do not practice regularly as an official team every week. Sportsmanship and mutual respect on the court was beautiful to see and the boys walked out with a to-be-continued feeling …

As our prefect put it after the match ” We are warming up for the season”. The next match will indeed be thrilling!