(far left) Our man in the mountains Murat can be seen decked out for another glorious day of shredding powder on the slopes in Verbier.
(from far left) Christiaan, Davyd and Maksim make up for some mis-steps over the past week by lending a hand to the community service detail. Much like their acts, they will be cleaning up the school grounds through an intense battery of litter-picking and general camaraderie and bonding. Hard times, but good times.
NOT SO FAST! Mr. Jakob styles in an even more impressive radius with his untested billiards skills! Somebody call the Swiss Sporting commission and have him taken to sports jail!
After a tough hour on the community service detail, Davyd births some cosmically sick tricks into the world. Amazing. All while dead asleep. What a legend.
Aoto and Ryunosuke chop up chocolate in aid of making some brownies on a fine Sunday morning. Some applause for our masterful bakers! Unless Sr. Xavi and Mr. Jake don’t get any. In which case, what they are doing is reprehensible and totally boring and dumb.
Wenyan and Kaishu are hard at work on the Cooking activity. The most important part of the cooking in the mental preparation which neither need that much of seeing as their culinary intellect practically powers the lights at Olympus.
Masafumi and Christiaan get onto baking some pudding in the throes of the Cooking activity we hold in the Eiger kitchens and dining hall.
Another successful weekend filled with relaxation, learning and good clean fun!
Except for those illegal billiards moves by Mr. Jakob. The authorities have been contacted.
Best of the best from the Olympus Boys!