PSYCH! It’s got nothing to do with Hamburg! It’s BURGER NIGHT!
(left to right) Nikita, Adam, Rayan, Gary and Max begin assembling the burgers of the future we all deserve. Beyond space, time and flavour.
(left to right) Ivan, Richard, Aleksei and Kevin coming in for seconds!
(left to right) Rayan and Gary get ready to construct the best burgers they’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.
(left to right) Nikita talks a big game as he ladles on the sauce while Adam gazes off camera is something that couldn’t be more important than the freshly assembled burger on his plate.
(left to right) Nikita, Toma, Imanali, Alexandre, Boris, Kirill and Rayan tuck on into another lovely in-house dinner!
Best of the best from the Olympus Boys!