The Gift Box Appeal is an annual fundraiser that we do within Boarding to try and provide Christmas boxes for those less fortunate. This started with informing the students about the aims of the charity and who we would be supporting. We then raised money in order to buy the supplies such as toys, stationery, toiletries and sweets. The nicest part was our students coming together to pack and wrap the gift boxes. This offers a moment of reflection to think of the privileges position we are in and how we can give our time and effort in order to help those less fortunate.
For more information about it, you can find this Tik Tok video:
Video made by Mr Gordon.
Herman, Billy, Otabek and Artem enjoy lovely pancakes.
Herman and Louis discussed their experience in Concha, their ups and downs throughout Grade 8, the importance of being organised, keeping to the rules and the privileges the boys will earn later in the year. They also spoke about the transition from Middle School to High School and the responsibility they now have as Grade 9 students.