Wellbeing Programme

This year we continue with our Wellbeing Programme. Each year this had grown with success as we find the best way to educate the students on these important topics.

The Wellbeing Pillars are;

Healthy Body, Healthy Minds
Respecting Diversity and Protecting Against Bullying
Building Positive Friendships
Online Safety
Making Safe and Responsible Choices

Each Pillar is led by an advocate who has a passion for sharing and guiding us on these topics.


🚀☀️Full Speed into Summer! 🚤💦

We started the weekend on the lake enjoying water activities.

Christian took part on the biking group.

Bruno and Rayan volunteered on Samedi du Partage collecting donations for the poorest.

We closed the weekend with the End of the Year Party at Concha

Our students enjoyed a beautiful afternoon full of games such as Laser Tag

Water war

and many other acrobatics.

The Beginning of the Beginning: Olympus Graduates 2021-22

There’s always a sense of ‘the ultimate’ in school. There’s always a ramp up. Formatives, summatives, final exams, the year before the year before the year that really matters. We’ve all had that incredible climb through school, from grade to grade and we’ve all had that moment where we could never imagine that one day we would be where we are now. School seems so big and infinite when you’re in the middle of it and for good reason. It’s a long journey, working on both your growing mind and on your growing soul. The boarding experience is one that has an intimate focus on that second portion of development. The mind is fed on knowledge, spurred on by curiosity. But the soul feeds on community, on the presence of others and simply on living life. At CDL we have been so lucky to have seen so many students graduate, but more so having seen lives being lived here among our school. So we find ourselves doubly sad yet doubly proud to see our boys graduate this summer.

Mirsadi, Victor and Gabriel are now graduates of Collège du Léman as students and as boarders.

Below, they receive their diplomas from CDL head Pauline Nord.




Mr. Xavier with Gabriel and Michel. Both brothers have been with us for a while now and it’s been amazing to see them grow and learn here at CDL.


A little sweeter than bittersweet. We can’t put into words how proud and excited we are for the three of them. They’re always welcome back and can rest easy knowing that they’ll always have a home here at CDL and in Olympus Boarding House.

Wishing them the best of the best of the best!

The Longest Weekend: 26th to the 29th of May 2022

Howdy folks! It’s Mr. Jakob from Collège du Léman with another weekend wrap-up blog post and one heck of a weekend it’s been! Due to Ascension being kept in this neck of the woods, the C.D.L boarders have been blessed with a long weekend lasting from Thursday morning until Sunday night and we took the opportunity to get the students as active as possible by throwing them into a spiffing array of wonderful activities.

The Lesser-Coat-of-Arms of the City of Copenhagen

Over this long weekend, it’s the perfect time to squeeze in a wonderful trip somewhere and over this long weekend, CDL boarding has put together a lovely séjour to the Danish city of Copenhagen!

(left to right) Alexandre and James can be seen here enjoying a blustery afternoon in the city with a fantastic view.

James and Alex on the canal tour of Copenhagen, which are said to be some of the most sumptuous in the world, rivalling even the city of Bruges.

Everybody knows that there’s really only one way to traverse a town with a lot of canals and that is by bicycle! The kids careened around the city on a guided bike tour that allowed them to take in the full majesty of a place like Copenhagen.

It’s a weekend for sharing experiences and here is our Olympian ambassador Boris paying a visit to Leman’s kitchen to share in a lovely meal.

With his Sunday return, Nihad was quick to put together a celebratory Tea session for the fellow boarders he’s missed so much.

Everyone crowded around for a good look at the Champions League game this Saturday evening! A tense event to be sure as Liverpool and Real Madrid fans came out of the woodwork to loudly celebrate or lament divine victory or eternal defeat!


It’s been a sumptuous weekend here at CDL and we can only feel sorry for you that it’s impossible for you to have had as much fun as we’ve had this weekend!

Best of the best from the Olympus Boys!