Cookies are always the best way to start the Wednesday meeting

Boris is this weeks Boarder of the week, earning his grade 50pts in the process from the lucky bag. Boris has been helping around the house as usual and also he was a key figure in the Global sports competition that CDLwere part of and Boris helped us achieve 3rd place out of 30 schools. Well done Boris

This week we spoke about this months Well-being topic, Building Positive friendships. We asked the guys who has ever felt the influence of peer pressure, shown here by them raising their hands.

We finished the evening assembly of as usual with a small in house competition. This week, it was all about the power of the mind. We took two members from each grade and Challenged them to a memory game. They had 30 seconds to look at 30 items on the table and then 3 minutes to try and remember as many as possible.

Grade 12 were the winners of this competition, getting 17/30 items on the list. The boys showed great teamwork, tallking to each other and splitting the table so they could work together to get the best result possible. Well Done Grade 12…. 100pts