The Challenge of Coexistence

For our pillar II of Wellbeing we face our most difficult, often inextricable challenge as a human species: living together with all our differences. The boys had simply to create a poster on their individual cultures for our community project — a wall of diversity. The boys presented their poster and explained some key aspects of their culture. However, how do we face the clashes that arise from irreconciliable differences? Many of our boys hail from cultures of religious fundamentalism, whilst others from a hard-earned tradition of extreme freedom of expression. We hope that this exercise helped broaden their mental horizons!

Mr Tom’s group prepare their posters for their presentation, and eventually for our wall of diversity.

Sacha, Akihiro, Francisco, Marnix and Vova prepare their posters.

Vova and Marnix present their posters on their different cultures.

Mr Rodrigo explains the concept of diversity, a challenge to maintain everyone’s Wellbeing.

Hamza’s presentation was particularly difficult because he has grown in several countries, and so his culture is that of Islamic values rather than those of a nationality.

The beginnings of our wall of diversity !



House Meeting…. A Game of Pool…. A Tale Against All Odds ❗

This autumn Wednesday evening saw the house of Olympus gathered around Mr Tom. He told us us his charity story about cycling 300+ km to raise money for the medical treatment for Mr Ricardo’s son. It is a truly inspiring story: they raised 2000+ francs, and the boy’s condition improved. This will inspire the boys for the CDL Change The World project for the boys to attempt a work of charity over Winter break. But that was not all. We had a house competition, lots of Wellbeing, and new results on our Mt Olympus board. Watch some scenes from the evening !

Mr Tom walked us step by step in his big cycle for a good cause

Some pictures from Mr Tom’s amazing story

A story of resilience for our Pillar II of the Wellbeing programme. We shared it to inspire the boys to start training for their long-term goals.

The boys partook in a house competition involving pool. A relaxing activity to boost their well being after a long day. Watch Said go for the red ball.

Watch Albion go for a shot. Grade 12 won this challenge, well done boys!

Boris goes for his shot…. while Mr Tom looks like Charlie Chaplin in reverse

The Olympus board before the challenge….

… and after! Grade 12 have got more than 500 points. To the other boys: you have some catching up to do! A slight sense of competition will boost their Wellbeing as a community in the house.

An evening of Wellbeing and Games

This evening the boys partook in the Second Pillar of our Wellbeing programme: Diversity and Inclusion. They brainstormed ways in which their countries make them culturally rich individuals and discussed both 1) their similarities and 2)differences. In this way they came to learn that even if they are different, their similarities were more than they expected. It’s never too late to learn this lesson!

Some of the boys also enjoyed a session of Catan with Mr Ronan 🙂

Omar, Karim, Boris, Aoto and Nihad create the posters for the presentations on their respective countries. Model UN!


Mr Rodrigo oversees the process of poster making. We discussed American foreign policy in light of Nigel’s poster, as he is from California.


Sadi during the presentation about Azerbaijan.

Last but not least, a stimulating game of Catan with Mr Ronan. A time for the boys’ Wellebeing! Thanks Mr Ronan.


Just Another Wonderful Weekend

Well-being takes many forms…. Here we  may see it on two wheels… on two tomatoes… or even two onions. It’s just another wonderful weekend. The leaves are turning yellow, brown and red. The boys rejoice!

Fran, Tony, and the rest explore the central European landscape.


Hanwen, Fran, Arsenii, Aoto, Ryunosuke and Tony… sometimes happiness means a pair of wheels.


Our animal friends


Francisco and Mirsadi partake in the joys of French cooking…. watch out Julia Child!! We’re sure the meat was ”au point”


Said, Francisco and Mirsadi pose in the midst of their creation. Happiness sometimes is just a full stomach. Bon appetit, boys!

Mid-autumn Saturday Wellbeing

The boys partook in some very engaging activities today that kept them entertained and boosted their Wellbeing.

Mr Jaime guides Ilya, Francisco and Boris through bootcamp… excellent to maintain a healthy mind-body balance.


The boys were very tired by the end of the activity…. mens sana in corpore sano, boys!


Arsenii and Nihad cooked a very elaborate brunch. Wellbeing for their stomach!


Tony looks on in awe and disbelief….it’s the joy of French cooking.


Iyowuna participated in the photography activity in nature… is this our future Henri Cartier Bresson ?? Time will tell!

David channels the work of Ansel Adams by taking a black and white picture of nature, Give him a LIFE magazine cover already!

Mr Usher goes Virtual!

This was our First Virtual Boarding assembly, Mr Usher spoke to the whole boarding community, Mr Antonio introduced us to the Second Pillar in our well-being program and Mr Rob gave us some news from around the world.

Olympus put the P in Spirit


The Olympus boys got together today to be part of Spirit week. Together with the rest of the boarding community, they created the word spirit, Olympus being the P.

The WIFI also went down this weekend which resulted in some great board game fun…… This was the start of a marathon 6 hour game of Monopoly

Harry was designated dice roller.


Well-being in Olympus… Pillar 2, Respecting Diversity and protecting against Bullying

This week the Boys in Olympus began their exploration of the second pillar in our Well-being program. Over the coming weeks we will explore, discuss and educate each other on the topic of Respecting Diversity and we will look at methods and examples of ways we can protect ourselves from Online Bullying.

For this Second Pillar the boys will again choose an individual project for them to complete, some of the boys have already started to research and educate them on the topic of Diversity. Some of the boys decided to listen to podcasts weekly the learn more. Each of the boys will be helped to choose a project to help them grow emotionally.

Happy Birthday Iyowuna!!

¨The boys got together this evening to celebrate the Birthday of Iyowana, We all had a good sing song and shared some cake.

Chocolate and Cherry Cake is everyone’s favorite in Olympus.

Thursdays are Busy in Olympus!!!



 Tonight the Grade 12 boys explored the second pillar in our well being program, Respecting Diversity and protecting against Bullying. The boys discussed the meaning of Diversity and we explored the many differences to all people and the dangers of opinion being confused for fact. The boys also performed a small activity where they spoke of the similarities and difference that each student could see in one another, and showing how we all see and prioritize are views differently.


Charles showing Mr Rodrigo how to play table football.

As we are currently restricted to within House activities, the boys took advantage of the empty football pitch and got together for some in house competition.