Pillar 2 – Fighting Bullying and Promoting Diversity

Dear all,

Last week we started with the WELLBEING: Pillar 2 – Respecting diversity and protecting against bullying.

Take away point 1 – Integration and diversity are part of the international agenda of the world’s most important institutions. 

We talk about it at a lower level, at schools, work and public places. However, that topic is at the heart of the identity of all the major international organizations and that is something that sometimes we overlook to consider diversity something to think of at an individual level. Beyond the political message on the importance of diversity, institutions like the UN have a policy of promoting diversity in their work force and enabling all types of people to access job position within their ranks and therefore setting the example on integration and teamwork.   

During our house meeting, we asked the girls to tell us what Diversity meant to them, in the context of the school and the house. They were asked to pair up with their roommate and make a video or a voice note, discussing what they learned from each other’s cultures.

Here are some examples 🙌

Thank you very much to girls for getting involved in this little project. 🤝


We wish you a great evening! 😊


Villa du Lac Team 😉

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