Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Luna New Year!🐲🐉

Lunar New Year is a celebration of the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar calendar.

A number of the girls in Villa du Lac celebrate the Luna new year and we asked them to share with us some of their traditions and insights.

One such tradition is to make dumplings, by wishing for a prosperous and lucky year. They explained how each New Year is linked to one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and 2025 is the Year of the sixth animal in the zodiac cycle: the Snake, which symbolises wisdom, elegance and intuition.

While people celebrate with fireworks to light up the sky, Villa Du Lac girls embraced the festive spirit by celebrating joyfully at one of their favorite Chinese restaurants near Geneva, creating a special atmosphere.
Would you be curious to know the mix of emotions our girls have felt during video calls with their families who showed the red decorations adorning the house as well as the reception of red envelopes of money which, beyond the money in red envelopes received from older relatives.  Each packet carries a special connection to the person who gave it, making it a gift filled with love.

Kiki and Katia Shine at the Boarding House Music Concert

This evening Kiki and Katia, took center stage at their class music concert. As part of their music class, both Kiki and Katia played key roles in setting the tone for the evening, performing together as part of a dynamic group.

Kiki on the guitar and Katia playing the piano  kicked off the concert with an energising introduction song. As part the opening group , they gave the audience a taste of what was to come—an evening full of stunning performances from talented singers and musicians alike.

The evening was filled with warmth and joy as teachers, friends, and family gathered to support the performers. It was an enjoyable and memorable event for all, with the perfect balance of talent, camaraderie, and community.

Well done, Katia and Kiki, for your exceptional performance!