Taking Care of Ourselves to Grow

In today’s House Meeting, besides discussing important matters about the house, we talked about Pillar 3: Self-Care. But what does self-care really mean for our students?

Beyond face masks and rest days (which are great too!), self-care is everything we do to feel good inside and out. For students, this can mean many things: staying organised to avoid stress, getting enough sleep, taking breaks from screens, eating well, or even knowing when to ask for help if something is worrying them. During this stage of life, full of changes and responsibilities, learning to take care of themselves is key to performing better, feeling more confident, and enjoying daily life.

To make it more fun, we tested our knowledge with a Kahoot! (yes, that mobile quiz game that always brings out everyone’s competitive side). Between laughter and quick answers, we learned that self-care isn’t a luxury but an essential tool for academic and personal success.

We keep growing together! 💙

Villa du Lac team <3