Awards Ceremony

A huge congratulations to our ladies of Villa du Lac! They won a variety of awards and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Great job girls!

Boarding Life Award: Nycol, Fabiola and Tanya



Activity Award: Peggy, Zai, Lisa 


Highest Achievement in 2nde Bac: Herluce

Highest Achievement in Maturité: Sophie


Highest Achievement in IG2: Carmen


Highest Achievement in 1ère Bac: Argentine


Highest Achievement in Gr. 11 AP: Maeva 

Escalade Run

This sporting event took place in the old town of Geneva. It’s an event everyone can take part in – from famous international runners to beginners, children and adults alike. Distances vary from 2km to 8km depending on the category.

Congratulations to Tanya, Hai Ngan and Lola for doing an excellent run in the race today!! Great job ladies!

Ready for Christmas!

December 1st has arrived and we are getting Villa du Lac ready for the Christmas season!! Aida made a beautiful Advent Calendar filled with treats and special privileges. Lola was the first to open a box!















Christmas Market

            Thank you to Olga, Tanya, Irina, and Sofia for helping at the Christmas Market today. Despite the cold weather they were smiling and eager to sell our baked goods for a Charity organization. Also, thank you to Lucélia for making her delicious Pumpkin jam and Paracuca (sweet peanuts).

Great work Ladies!


CDL Talks: Inspiring Future Leaders

Yesterday some of the girls had the opportunity to attend the CDL Talks where they had the pleasure of listening to Reginald Bien-Aimé who focused on The Future of Work. He is a successful project manager specializing in marketing and management.

Yasmina attended the talk and came back to the House with a smile on her face, as many of the girls did. She told us, “I loved it! It made me realized the opportunities we have nowadays to make the world a better place. Overall, it motivated me to start working on my future.”


Respecting Diversity within Our House

For one of our Well Being activities Lola, one of our Middle School students, came up with a wonderful idea. Each of the girls wrote something on silhouettes that they liked or found unique about each other. It’s a way to acknowledge our differences, whether culturally or personality, and that we should respect and embrace these differences. We have hung them up within our office space so every day we are reminded of the positive qualities we share within the House.


Our Weekend Adventures

This weekend was filled with fun activities and delicious treats! Lucélia baked a tasty chocolate cake for the girls in the house. It disappeared in minutes!

Lola had the opportunity to visit the Natural History Museum in Geneva with her friends from the other Boarding Houses.

For the Photography Workshop Peggy was able to go to off campus and take pictures of the scenery around her.

The girls kept active today by attending a Body Shaping class together!

Healthy Dinner in the House

For the Well Being Program tonight we decided to learn about nutrition and healthy eating by sharing a meal together in the house. We recognized how easy it can be to create a meal that is made up of healthy and nutritious foods.

Thank you Varya for being an amazing Chef!