Last boarding assembly of the year !

Dear all,

Yesterday, we had our last boarding assembly for this year !

We were told Villa du Lac won the inter-house competition for 2020/2021, we are super proud of ourselves ! Yay !!

We’ve been able to reflect on the successes of all of CDL boarding houses this year, and more broadly about all the projects CDL participated in. We’re very happy to be part of such a lovely community with a strong sense of values and internationalism. It’s all about RISE !

We also had the conclusion phase of our Pillar 5 of the Wellbeing Project. Miss Jody, our boarding counsellor, uploaded videos to talk about consent. Our girls were very receptive and debated over the subject.

We also had a talk about what was going to change for 2021/2022; hopefully the worst of the pandemic is behind us and we’ll soon be able to reshape the restrictions we’ve been living with for the past year and a half.

Samedi du Partage

Today some of the Villa du Lac’s girls have participated in the Samedi du Partage: a collection in the local supermarkets of food and basic hygiene items generously donated by shoppers to help people in need.

We are very proud of the positive attitude and help of our girls in this initiative. Well done Emilia, Valentina, Lisa, Petra, Lola and Emma!


Graduation day !

Dear all,

Today was a very special day for our senior students… graduation day! Their hard work paid off; our students got their diploma!

In light of the current pandemic rules, CDL created a hybrid ceremony: the students graduating gathered in the tennis court of CDL and the ceremony was broadcasted online while their loved ones could watch it from one of the houses on campus before going to meetup with their child. This solution was also ideal for families who haven’t been able to travel and wanted to attend the ceremony. Technology is so useful to find ways to bring people together… 🙂

We have to admit we were very moved to see all these happy faces on campus, as our girls Noor, Gabriela, Nina, Nycol and Olga S had a marvellous day. We wish them the best for their next adventures. We love you, girlies!!


Quiz competition

This weekend we had a special event: The Big House Quiz. Every House participated in this competition to prove their knowledge in several topics: School, Switzerland and general knowledge. Villa du Lac was represented by Varya and Herluce and they took us to the victory, well done girls!! Villa du Lac rocks!

Long week-end !

Dear all,

We had a long week-end as Thursday and Friday were bank holidays.

We offered activities to our students despite the poor weather: accrobranche, badminton, tennis, biking, cooking… No time to be bored at CDL !

The girls at the accrobranche ! Adventure awaits !

An all-Villa du Lac girls tennis session !


Week-end 30/4-02/05

Dear all,

We had a lovely and busy week-end !

First, on Saturday, we went to play tennis indoors…

Vivien and Mila

… And then our House Parent Lucélia cooked the best chicken curry for dinner ! Yummy !

Today, Sunday, the G9 and 10 had the opportunity to visit the Cailler chocolate factory and go around the beautiful village of Gruyères, in the Canton of Fribourg. Although the day was cloudy, it was filled with laughter, cheese and chocolate.

Coco  and  Yanning

Vivien  and  Mila


Akmaral  and  Nastya

Coco and Mila


Happy Orthodox Easter !

Dear all,

happy Easter. in Russian

Today is Easter for our Orthodox friends !

Our students Elizaveta, Valentina, Emilia, and Sophie decided to bake traditional Russian Easter cakes to celebrate this special day.

Wellbeing pillar 5: making safe and responsible choices

Dear all,

We are entering the last pillar of our wellbeing program for this year. This time, the topic is about making safe and responsible choices.

Did you know we make around 35.000 choices every day ?! Of course, most of them are inconscious.

The key takeaway points this month will be to recognise what is a good choice and what is a bad choice, and knowing that all decisions have consequences.

Here is a very interesting video about how to improve decision making. We showed this video to our girls during our weekly meeting on Wednesday.


Also, our girls will be given only two choices for their Individual Projects. They will have to join either the discipline revolution project or the happiness project.