Welcome back

We are happy to be back in Villa du Lac to give our best in this new year 2021, with our positivity and focused on taking care of the wellbeing in the House. We will keep posted our activities, achievements and daily life, don’t miss it!


Happy winter holidays !

Dear all,

It is time to close the Villa du Lac for the winter holidays.

We wish you all a very happy festive season and a happy new year. Enjoy your time together, and we will see you in 2021 !

The boarding school will be open from January 8th, 2021.

Winter Dinner

Dear all,

Yesterday night we celebrated our Winter Dinner. In a beautiful environment, we enjoyed a very special dinner, where our girls looked stunning. It is a nice occasion to say goodbye to the year and relish last moments together before de Winter break.

Note: As we are considered as a family unit we don’t have to wear masks.

Secret Santa and awards !

Dear all,

Yesterday’s weekly meeting was special: we celebrated our “Secret Santa” evening along with some awards for our girls. We also had been gifted a big chocolate Marmite for the yearly ‘escalade” event in Geneva.

What is a “Secret Santa” ?

In a group of people, names are drawn randomly so everyone has to find a gift for their pdesignated “Secret Santa”. On a designated day, everyone leaves the gifts under the tree and when opening your present, you have to guess who got it for you !

Awards in VDL

Nycol, Stacy, Nastya, Ana, Mila, Noor, Sophie.

What is the “Escalade” in Geneva ?

In 1602, French soldiers tried to invade the peaceful Swiss city of Geneva. The Genevans decided to fight back and organise a race against the French at night. They defended themselves with weapons and marmites full of hot water they threw on the ennemy’s heads !

Today (luckily), Genevans do not fight French people with boiling water. Every year there is a race and a fancy dress contest in the old town of Geneva to celebrate this event, and shops sell chocolate marmites of all sizes. This year, unfortunately, there is no Escalade race because of the COVID measures.



Victoria and Gabriela’s articles about diversity

Dear all,

As part of their wellbeing pillar 2, Victoria and Gabriela decided to write their own articles about diversity for this blog !

Victoria listened to a podcast and wrote a reflection about it.

Gabriela decided to write about diversity and inclusion, and what it means here, in the CDL community.

Congratulations, girls, and thank you !


Weekend 4-6 December

Dear all,

Another great week-end in CDL ! We even had snow on Friday đŸ™‚

On Friday, we participated in the “Light for hope” action, to pay tribute to the ones who lost their lives in the Beirut explosion on August 4th.


Among other activities, we had: bootcamp, yoga, photography, tennis, biking, beauty club, story club, chess club…

Mila in the bootcamp !

We have invited 3 boys from the Concha house to join us for our Pizza party on Saturday evening. It was lovely !

Some wellbeing projects

Dear all,

Here are some of the wellbeing projects proposed by Amalia and Olga K. We also had presentations from Sophie, Betty, Alina, Emilia, Valentina, and Wakana, and Noor & Dalia decorated the house with flags they have drawn to represent all the nationalities in VDL !

Poster by Amalia

Poster and reflection of an article made by Olga K