A special assembly !

Dear all,

Yesterday was our weekly house assembly. We discussed non-violent communication thanks to a video made by Miss Jody, our boarding counsellor. Lisa and Sophie showed us a video about bullying called “Why I bully you” – explaining what’s in a bully’s mind. As part of their wellbeing project. Emilia, Valentina and Wakana created a Kahoot quizz competition about diversity in the house. The competition was funny and we laughed a lot !


Partage weekend

Dear all,

During this week we are participating in the Partage, in collaboration with Geneva’s food bank. Last weekend some of our girls volunteered to collect products in the supermarket from the customers. We are very proud of the work they did! During this week in the School, we are collecting several boxes with the idea of fighting against hunger and food waste. Well done!


Thanksgiving dinner

Dear all,

Tonight was thanksgiving dinner ! The dining hall committee members decorated the dining hall with our residential house parent, Lucélia. We ate stuffed turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, broccolis, corn, cookies and an apple pie. It was delicious and it was so pleasant to be all houses together. We are thankful to each and every one of the student and staff who attended this special evening !


Weekly meeting – presentations

Dear all,

As every Wednesday, we had our house meeting. This time, Betty and Alina, as part of their Wellbeing project, made a presentation against bullying. They worked hard and it was very informative. Congrats, girls !

We also drew names for the Secret Santa, because Christmas is fast approaching ! We watched the MADS video made by our students from the Make a Difference Society. We mentioned the Ski weekends for 2021 and the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner.

The great CDL bake-off !

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today was a special day. Today was… the bake-off competition !

Our judges, Mr Usher, Mme Salamin and Mme Nord had to taste cakes. Each house had to bake their own cake. For now, we do not know the winner, because all cakes were very nice !

Our girl, Muslima, made beautiful pavlovas ! Yummy !!

Muslima made these ! Congratulations, Muslima !!

The cake from Concha, the primary boarding house !

Léman 1’s snowmen

Mr Usher with all the cakes.

Week-end 13-15 november

Dear all,

We had a lovely week-end.

Some girls did photography…

Gabriela during the photography workshop

Others went horse riding…


Some went biking, playing tennis or badminton, and some decided to take some time to wrap gift boxes for children in Eastern Europe !

What is this about ? the CDL community decided to fill, wrap and send around 70 gift boxes to children in need in Eastern Europe, to make sure these children will have a gift for Christmas. We are so proud of everyone who took part in this lovely project.

Delicious diversity

As part of the second Wellbeing Pillar, our girls have celebrated diversity this weekend in the Kitchen, by cooking some dishes from their countries. They have chosen this way to show a bit about their cultures. We have had a tasty and beautiful dish from Korea and our french girls cooked delicious crêpes. Bon appetite!

Spirit week at CDL

Dear all,

Last week was Spirit week here in Collège du Léman. This is part of the Wellbeing Pillar number 2, dedicated to fighting bullying and celebrating the differences and diversity among our community.

We have students and staff coming from everywhere in the world, and our school is a very good example of achieving goals and working together, although we don’t always have the same language or culture.

Last Sunday, our boarders gathered in the football field to shoot a video, wearing a mask, (of course) with their countries flag. We are so proud of them !