Week-end, 7-8th November

Dear all,

This week-end, our girls got to join many activities, like photography, zumba, tennis, and the brand new fashion & beauty club, organised by Miss Lucélia from Villa du Lac and Miss Monica from Old Portena ! And on sunday morning, as usual, we had a delicious brunch.

We had fun together and the weather was nice, although winter is coming ! 🙂

Emilia & Valentina, our VDL twins !

Olga and her friend Anastasiia from Terray, doing photography


Special thanks to our kitchen staff who work everyday ! Only three of them in the picture, but they are more chefs working at CDL 🙂



Boarding assembly… new version

Dear all,

On Wednesday evening, we attended our boarding assembly… but in a new way ! Due to the new coronavirus restrictions in Switzerland, the Collège du LĂ©man team decided the boarding assembly should be pre-recorded and broadcasted in all houses so the students do not mix.


Our girls simply had to sit in the common room and watch the video. Thanks to everyone who worked on this project, we have been able to hear our boarding director, Mr Usher, but also our prefects, hear about new projects, listen to Mr Antonio talking about the wellbeing pillars, getting news from the World News committee, pay tribute to Lebanon… All this while sitting together in the comfort of our own home ! Safe and sound 🙂

Trick or treating in CDL

Dear all,

Last week-end, the youngest borders of Collège du Léman went trick or treating around the houses for halloween ! We decorated Villa du Lac and welcomed the children with candies. They looked amazing with their masks on !

Pumpkin carving !

Boo ! Did we scare you ?

Yesterday, some of our girls did some pumpkin carving. We had to choose one to present for the house competition. Hopefully, we will win, thanks to Muslima’s spooky pumpkin!

Mila, Emilia, Petra, Alina, Ana carved those ones 

Muslima’s pumpkin



About our October Break…

Dear all,

This week was October Break. Some of our girls stayed with us and we had fun together ! The CDL prepared activities so no one would be bored.

On Monday, we visited Bern, capital city of Switzerland.

On Wednesday, we visited Lausanne. The younger ones from other houses also got to visit the Olympic Museum in Ouchy.

Wakana and her friends near Place de la Riponne in Lausanne…

On Thursday, our house welcomed other boarding house friends for a Halloween workshop. We created spooky masks and make up to be ready for the spooky treasure hunt on campus that night.

We helped some younger boarders create their halloween mask.

Safety first with masks, but beware of vampires !


On Friday, we visited Vevey and Montreux.


We are now preparing the boarding house to welcome the girls who were away this week. Can’t wait to be reunited !

See you soon at Villa du Lac…

Study hall in Villa du Lac !

Dear all,

Every evening, after school, our girls study during at least two periods, called ‘study halls‘. The grades 9 and 10 work in the common room while the grades 11 and 12 can study in their bedrooms, with the door open. The house parents are here to make sure they are studying, and help them if needed. When they have free time, the girls can come by the office and spend some time with us ! We love it. 🙂

Sunday tradition at CDL

Dear all,

Let’s talk about a sunday tradition here at Collège du LĂ©man: the brunch.

Just like in many (big) families, we like to gather and relax on a sunday morning, sharing good food and talking about everything and anything. Everyone can find something they would like to eat: croissants or bacon, fruits or eggs, everything is fresh and cooked on the spot by our amazing kitchen staff.

And as it is Sunday, there is no rush. The cafeteria opens at 9.30am and closes at 11.30am, so everyone can go when they want. Such a good thing for the ones who are eager to go on activities in the morning, or for the ones who want to sleep longer.

Weekend 18-20th september

Dear all,

Another great weekend for CDL boarders! Our students have been able to go biking, play tennis, try photography, and even participate in the annual lake cleaning!

Lake cleaning.. wow!!

Amalya playing golf


Sofia at the photography workshop

We had fun and we are feeling ready for this autumn ! 🙂


The Villa du Lac girls