Leysin Mountain weekend


Last weekend our Villa du Lac girls enjoyed a variety of outdoor activities in Alpes.

On Saturday they chose between climbing, orienteering, castle visit, horse riding, hiking in altitude& overnight in an alpine hut, etc. They had a lot of fun and they are looking forward for new similar experiences 🙂

Happy holidays !


Dear all,

After a very busy year, it is time to close Villa du Lac for the summer.

Some info…:

  • We will reopen on the 17th of August 2021.
  • New students are expected on the 22nd of August 2021 from 09:00.
  • Returning students are expected between the 23rd and the 24th of August 2021.
  • Flight details should be sent to boarding@cdl.ch .
  • Answers to questions regarding Covid-19 can be found at www.cdl.ch/covid19.
  • Answers to questions regarding the August returns can be found at www.cdl.ch/backtoboarding.

For answers to other questions please contact boarding@cdl.ch.

Wishing you a wonderful summer, and looking forward to seeing you in August.



With love, Villa du Lac.

Pizza night in VDL !

Dear all,

As you might remember, Villa du Lac won the house competition. So we asked the authorisation to treat ourselves with a pizza night in the garden! Lovely!

The gathering was cut short when it started raining, but luckily everyone had finished their plate before. Some even stayed to dance in the rain !

Amazing week-end !

Dear all,

What a crazy weekend we just had !

We had the classic activities (cooking, tennis, biking)… + Donut boat on Saturday ! Also, today (Sunday), we all gathered in Concha’s garden for the End of Year party!! It was amazing, the pool was open, and there were many activities: inflatable castle, sumo suits, water slide, laser tag, bubbles, even pĂ©tanque. A lovely way to finish the year and relax before the exams. Our students (and staff!) had so much fun. The weather was great, and it definitely feels like summer is just around the corner.

Herluce and Lola learning the recipe of the chocolate roll cake.


Donut boat !



Last boarding assembly of the year !

Dear all,

Yesterday, we had our last boarding assembly for this year !

We were told Villa du Lac won the inter-house competition for 2020/2021, we are super proud of ourselves ! Yay !!

We’ve been able to reflect on the successes of all of CDL boarding houses this year, and more broadly about all the projects CDL participated in. We’re very happy to be part of such a lovely community with a strong sense of values and internationalism. It’s all about RISE !

We also had the conclusion phase of our Pillar 5 of the Wellbeing Project. Miss Jody, our boarding counsellor, uploaded videos to talk about consent. Our girls were very receptive and debated over the subject.

We also had a talk about what was going to change for 2021/2022; hopefully the worst of the pandemic is behind us and we’ll soon be able to reshape the restrictions we’ve been living with for the past year and a half.

Samedi du Partage

Today some of the Villa du Lac’s girls have participated in the Samedi du Partage: a collection in the local supermarkets of food and basic hygiene items generously donated by shoppers to help people in need.

We are very proud of the positive attitude and help of our girls in this initiative. Well done Emilia, Valentina, Lisa, Petra, Lola and Emma!


Graduation day !

Dear all,

Today was a very special day for our senior students… graduation day! Their hard work paid off; our students got their diploma!

In light of the current pandemic rules, CDL created a hybrid ceremony: the students graduating gathered in the tennis court of CDL and the ceremony was broadcasted online while their loved ones could watch it from one of the houses on campus before going to meetup with their child. This solution was also ideal for families who haven’t been able to travel and wanted to attend the ceremony. Technology is so useful to find ways to bring people together… 🙂

We have to admit we were very moved to see all these happy faces on campus, as our girls Noor, Gabriela, Nina, Nycol and Olga S had a marvellous day. We wish them the best for their next adventures. We love you, girlies!!