Athens the City of Gods :D

Noora and Peiwen having an amazing time in Greece!!

Historial visit to the Acropolis, lunch in a tipical street on a lovely  terrace, 999 steps carved into the rock to reach the west gate of the Nafplio fortress, time on the beach enjoying the nice water of the Aegen sea, dinner in a tavern discovering delicious dishes and to culminate… Great photos!!!



Farewell Katya :(

Congratulations on Graduating, we’re all so very proud of you! We will miss you extensively but we can’t wait to see what you get up to in the future. Good luck for everything, and thank you for everything you’ve brought to Villa Du Lac xx

Sports Awards Ceremony

Tonight, the PE Department hosted the school Sports Awards in Olympus. It was a lovely evening followed by a BBQ. Our very own Carmen received an award as a thank you for all her hard work and effort this year in Basketball, as part of the team and the time she has put into helping out Coach T with volunteer coaching. Well done Carmen and all the other award winners!