Winter Ball

On Saturday December 14th we had an amazing time at the Winter Ball! All the girls looked beautiful!



Scarlett and Yasmina had the chance to speak in front of the whole Boarding where they presented lovely speeches spoken from their hearts. Really well done girls!


More photos to come in the Villa du Lac Times December edition!

December Boarding Assembly

Singing a Duet 

A big congratulations to Sue and Fiona who sang beautifully at the Boarding Assembly. They worked hard, practiced a lot and sang a really nice duet together. Great work girls!


Community Service

Tanya had the chance to talk about her experience helping in the Dominican Republic where she expressed how she had the opportunity to make a positive impact in someone else’s life. She explained how she helped build and repair a woman’s house who had been experiencing a lot of challenges in her life. It was a fulfilling experience for her and she did a great job inspiring others to go out of their comfort zone and take part in community service. Great job Tanya!

Secret Santa Gift Exchange

      A few weeks ago the girls picked names to buy a small present anonymously for another girl from the House. After the Christmas Dinner tonight we exchanged our gifts for the Secret Santa. They really enjoyed this moment as they tried to figure out who was their Secret Santa.

Also…. the House sweaters have arrived! The girls look great in their vibrant yellow sweaters!

Visiting Gruyère

On Sunday some of our students went on an excursion to Gruyère, a beautiful medieval town, well known for the cheese which it’s named after. Our girls, Yasmina, Hai Ngan, Fabiola and Angela enjoyed the sunny day at this beautiful spot where they also had the chance to share a Fondue.

Also, they had the opportunity to visit Maison Cailler, the Chocolate Factory where they learned about how the chocolate is made. At the end of the tour they were able to taste some of the delicious sweets of Cailler.

We are happy to see that the girls enjoyed this excursion!


Trip to Europa Park

This weekend some of our girls went to Europa Park and the Christmas market in Freiburg. It was a great opportunity for them to travel with friends from other Boarding Houses as well. They had a lot of fun!

Sofia, Maeva, Rebeca and Peggy enjoyed the roller coasters, the attractions in the park and came back very happy.



Awards Ceremony

A huge congratulations to our ladies of Villa du Lac! They won a variety of awards and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Great job girls!

Boarding Life Award: Nycol, Fabiola and Tanya



Activity Award: Peggy, Zai, Lisa 


Highest Achievement in 2nde Bac: Herluce

Highest Achievement in Maturité: Sophie


Highest Achievement in IG2: Carmen


Highest Achievement in 1ère Bac: Argentine


Highest Achievement in Gr. 11 AP: Maeva 

Escalade Run

This sporting event took place in the old town of Geneva. It’s an event everyone can take part in – from famous international runners to beginners, children and adults alike. Distances vary from 2km to 8km depending on the category.

Congratulations to Tanya, Hai Ngan and Lola for doing an excellent run in the race today!! Great job ladies!

Ready for Christmas!

December 1st has arrived and we are getting Villa du Lac ready for the Christmas season!! Aida made a beautiful Advent Calendar filled with treats and special privileges. Lola was the first to open a box!















Christmas Market

            Thank you to Olga, Tanya, Irina, and Sofia for helping at the Christmas Market today. Despite the cold weather they were smiling and eager to sell our baked goods for a Charity organization. Also, thank you to Lucélia for making her delicious Pumpkin jam and Paracuca (sweet peanuts).

Great work Ladies!