It’s the winter break!

J.Terray will close its doors tomorrow morning and we hope everyone will enjoy their break and recharge the batteries 🙂

Enjoy the winter break, and be ready for some snow fun like our super Maeva!


We will be waiting for you from next week girls!!!

Sunday Study time and snacks.

Today was filled with snacks and concentration. The girls have been studying since early and why not having some snacks to keep concentration level at its best?

Well done for the hard work girls! We are so proud of you! 🙂


A special Thank you to the direction for providing these super delicous food!

Respect Week- Respect others. Respect the environment. Respect yourself.


Along with Mr Usher, the prefects decided that for the respect week CDL should focus on respect for the environment. So on this sunny day, good music and a great willingness to see our community clean, Maeva, Lia and Isabella decided to take part in it and we all went litter picking around our community.

During our walk, we discussed how we can help improve our environment and what are the things we should do to educate those that don’t. Just as we were passing by a shop, a man who saw we were picking up litter, was smoking and we all waited to see if he would throw it out on the street or in the bin and at the end, he threw it in the bin and the girls decided to go and congratulate him and thank him for his care towards our environment.

Full trash bags and big smiley faces!

The girls were impressed with the number of cigarette buds that are thrown in the streets and Maeva wanted to make sure we show that to everyone so they can learn how to respect our environment.

Litter team on attack!

Well done girls, we are so proud of you!!!