House Dinner

Each year within the Boarding community we organise a House dinner. In Concha Annexe we had the possibility to do it together as seven family members. I cook for them, they help to set up the table, Juan Carlos prepares a very nice dessert “Tortitas con Chocolate”. We had a very nice time together chatting about nothing and everything. We ended the dinner by playing a summer camp game, the boys laughed very much and they went to the bed with a happy face, that for me is the most important. 

Awards Ceremony

This week we had the Awards Ceremony which happens once at the end of the Marking Period.

In this occasion, Juan Carlos was the winner in the house in the category of Activities and Weihao in the Boarding Life. 

It was hard to decide since all Concha Annexe boys do many activities and have a great Boarding Life.

L’escalade race

This gallery contains 12 photos.

This weekend the boys made me very proud to be their House Parent. With very bad weather conditions, we were the only house to turn out to the Escalade race with all the boys. They were very brave and showed that they knew how to suffer during the race, all trying until the limit of […]

Weekly Meeting

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Today we had a nice meeting. We enjoyed some time away from our screens and played a game in the old fashion way….. playing cards. The boys enjoyed it very much. Although at the beginning they were a bit reluctant to play, by the end, they did not want to stop. It is interesting to […]

House Assembly

Today in our weekly meeting we discussed the sensitive topic of: “Luxury brands, why people buy them and are it a reasonable price for the product?

To help me with the explanation, I used this interesting video that I found online. It helped the boys understand the message that I was trying to explain to them by giving them an insight into the facts of the luxury fashion market. Having documented, real facts about the manipulation of society, this really gave the boys something to think about.

I let them discuss it and they had very interesting and some quite different views and approaches. They all understood that they have to be respectful in the way they use their parent’s money.  That they should not be following and buying brands who’s only purpose of their designs and prices is to show off instead of genuinely producing a quality product.

I hope they really believe in what they said today and they will put in practice.

Football Tournament


I want to share with you how well our boys did in the first football match of the competition. Just like in basketball any of them are specialists in this game. However, my aim is not to win is to encourage them to do something different and do their best collaborating together. 

It was one of the most exciting games that I have ever played. We faced Leman 2 a house with 26 students, and we only are 6. Nevertheless, we were winning 1-0 until half of the second period but the tiredness and the first goal of Leman 2 had a big impact on our boys. Not being able to keep the intensity. We end losing 3-1, but they fight like warriors on the field.

I am very proud of them playing like a strong unity. Well done guys!