Our Wellbeing, Our Priority. (Chapter 2.2: Protecting against Bullying and Respecting Diversity)

This week, our wellbeing meeting was moved to the weekend due to our wonderful concert featuring students.

This time, we focused on understanding people with disabilities, illustrating the challenges faced by kids or teenagers with disabilities. We discussed the need for help, assistance, or additional time. Additionally, we explored the topic of babies born with disabilities.

Some of the boys were touched by the discussion and shared insightful thoughts. Being empathetic is key here.

With this session, we conclude our Pillar 2, and we can already sense the holidays approaching.

About last weekend… 😊

Last weekend, even though it was cold, the boys managed to do some activities, Horse Riding and Tennis were the favourites.

We leave some snaps here and well done Kristian who woke up early to play Tennis for the first time in the year.

first time on the year.


Montreux Christmas Market

The first Sunday of December is a cold, yet sunny one! Many of the boys went on a trip to Montreux, in order to enjoy the charming Christmas market along the eastern end of the lake. Even in sub-zero temperatures, the sun ensured the trip was both relatively warm for the month of December, and relaxing, as we approach the end of the first term.Image previewImage previewImage previewImage preview