The Bulgarian tradition of the Martenitsa

Today Kristian shared with us a tradition form his home country Bulgaria; Martenitsa.

In Bulgaria, the arrival of spring is celebrated with Martenitsa, a charming tradition steeped in folklore. These red and white adornments symbolize health and prosperity, worn from March 1st until the sighting of the first stork or blossoming tree. Martenitsa embodies renewal and hope, as Bulgarians exchange them with loved ones to usher in the season of rebirth. This delightful custom fosters community spirit and connects Bulgarians to their rich cultural heritage.

Kristian brought bracelets to everyone so he could share this tradition with all his housemates.

Concha Spring Activities 🥊 ⚾️ 🥇

As the winter weather in Versoix subsides our borders are emerging from Concha house to enjoy Versoix and our beautiful spring garden.  Baseball, boxing, and beautiful runs around the trails of Versoix are great moments that our boys are enjoying to the fullest!

Here are a few highlights from the past few weeks!