This weekend a whole Concha contingent headed over yonder to Disneyland Paris to enjoy a wonderful day of roller coasters, fireworks and Disney magic!

The Disney Crew at the gates of the Magic Kingdom!


At the entrance and raring to go!


Out there, somewhere, there’s a Mickey missing a hand.

Pixar’s newest animated character in the movie “Tortuga”, we haaaaaaave Rodrigooooooooooo

“I’ve got little arms!”

La Piece de Resistance

The castle lit up beautifully, but just wait, they aren’t done yet!

A special show for the winter season! Absolutely stunning.

FIREBALL! What an impressive shot
The boys came back with some spoils of war from their trip to Disney (not pictured below is the coolest little baby Yoda figurine)


Shunyu’s Creepy Crawlies
All in all, an incredible trip that I’m sure will last in their memories for a lifetime