Happy Birthday Gigi 🥳🎉💓

Dear Gigi,

You brought a shine of light in the middle of the academic year, by coming to Collège du Léman, with your great desire to discover the school, make friendships and attend a lot of activities such as yoga, pilates, horse riding, crochet club and drama club.

Since yesterday we had the pleasure to celebrate your special day, we want to extend to you our warmest wishes for a Happy Birthday.

Boarding House Photo Competition: “Home at CDL” 📸

At New Portena, the theme for this year’s photo competition was “Home at CDL.” Our entry captured a beloved tradition: every Wednesday, Ms. Fana makes us pancakes, a ritual that has become a cherished part of our New Portena family. This weekly event not only fills our stomachs but also warms our hearts, perfectly embodying our sense of home at CDL. 🥞❤️

Here’s to celebrating the little moments that make our boarding house truly special! 🌟