How to create a secure password (by Kseniia Grade 9)

This article is written by Kseniia in Grade 9, as part of her individual project. She decided to research what a strong password is and how to create it.

What passwords are not strong?

Passwords are ordinary words or phrases, letters or numbers in a row.  People often use them when they don’t think about security or just want to quickly finish registration.

Ex: Alex1234; Dog56;

What passwords are strong?

Strong passwords are combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Ex-aYn72Wn; QqHoi@73Hj

How to create a strong password? 

1. Take any random phrase, for example, EgyptCat.

2. Replace some letters with special characters.  It will be easier to remember if you replace the letters on the basis of similarity.  For example, a on @, i on!, O on 0.

Ex- Eg!pedK0t

How not to declassify your password?

Create a new password for every important service.

Enable two-factor authentication wherever this option is available.

Do not put your passwords in the browser.

On your marks, get set… POST!

For this Pillar’s Community Project (Online Safety), we have separated the girls into 5 teams. Each team must come up with a post, either a photo, video or combination of both, and post it onto their social media accounts. After a week, we will see which team has the most interactivity from their followers and others (interactivity includes: views, likes, comments and shares). Whoever has the most wins a special prize at the end of the week! We hope this challenge allows the girls to think twice before posting as they will be able to see how easy it is to get things to go ‘viral’/ seen by other people, including people they never met!!

Good luck girls! May the most creative and best team win.

Wellbeing Workshop- posting on social media

In tonight’s house assembly, we explored social media and how what we post can effect many different aspects in our current and future lives. We asked the girls questions which they had to answer with ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘I don’t know’ showing their answers on a piece of card. We then discussed the answers to gain a better understanding surrounding each topic and question. It was great to hear and see the girls responses. We hope this session was inspirational and educational.