Quiz Night

Tonight, all houses took part in an EPIC competition to find out who had the best general knowledge. We came a respectable 4th place, to Villa Du Lac’s 1st place, Leman One’s 2nd Place, and Megard’s 3rd place. Well done to Ghida and Sabine for representing New Portena and all houses. And thank you for a fun, friendly and competitive tournament.

Bonus Question: How many bones Sharks have? (Scroll for the answer!)

Answer: none, their skeleton is made out of cartilage!

New Portena raises chefs!


Today in New Portena we were craving cookies, so we made them!

First, we needed to find the perfect recipe, Yvonne helped us with her culinary knowledge.

Next step, wash our hands properly

And we started the process:

Mixing ingredients and giving them shape

we could not forget, the less fun part, but most important, cleaning afterwards

And what goes last?


Thank you very much Sabine, Yvone and Liam for this fun rainy Sunday afternoon. You are great cooks!!!!