On Sunday we went to Cailler Chocolate Factory and Gruyeres to get to know a bit more the beautiful country where we live in
Happy Birthday Bice !!
The best part of Sundays!
We came, we saw, we…
Wellbeing Pillar 5
Second week of our Pillar 5: Making safe and responsible choices.
The discus-sion points of week 2 will be around:
The ESSENCE of teen brain and the science behind decision making process.
The objectives are to :
- Debunk some of the most misleading and disempowering myths around adolescence
- Explore how changes in brain structure during adolescence are just part of anatural, innate and healthy development which simply prepares teens for grown-up life
- Being aware of this process and honouring this unique and fascinating moment in our life, can help teens and adults (caregivers) alike to support each other
- Explore how the awareness of upsides and downsides of the different cardinal features of adolescence can help our kids to develop a fully integrated mind,and reduce and contain the risks of harm and serious injuries. At the same timethis awareness can help educators (and parents) to bring a more empathic andcompassionate approach when interacting with, looking after and guiding ado-lescents during these tumultuous years.