Building Positive Friendships………

We all have friends, but how often do we really think what they mean to us? Tonight the Grade 12 boys sat with Mr Tom and discussed Friendships and how to make sure we are surrounded by positive people. To identify this we have to go to the beginning, to the foundations we need to build a friendship. From the discussions we had the all revolved around a relationship that is built and based on Mutual respect for each other, the word RESPECT was brought up more than anything else.


The boys split into two groups and brainstormed…… One group talked about what they thought were the characteristics of a Positive friend and the other group did the same for a Negative friend. The groups list almost mirrored each other at opposite ends, and again the word respect and loyalty were top of the list.


The boys were then asked by Mr Tom, to write on a thin piece of card what a true friend meant to them, and what attributes they look for in a friend…….it will be no surprise that the most common answers were Trust, Loyalty and Respect. The boys are all very aware of the need for surrounding themselves with positive friends.