πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ Boarders and Staff Take on a Charity Challenge for World Bicycle Relief πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Hello, Olympus Boarding House community! We are thrilled to share the incredible efforts and achievements of our boarders and staff as they took on a special charity challenge in support of World Bicycle Relief (WBR). With their determination and dedication, they have made a significant impact on the lives of students in the developing world. Let’s dive into the details!

World Bicycle Relief is a remarkable charity that aims to provide bicycles to students in the developing world. These bicycles serve as a practical solution, enabling students to overcome long and arduous journeys to school. By reducing absenteeism and improving accessibility, WBR’s efforts have a transformative effect on the lives of these students. If you are interested in donating money to this initiative, please follow the link: World Bicycle Relief.

In the spirit of supporting WBR and fostering a sense of camaraderie, we challenged our boarders and staff to run a week’s worth of commuting to school for the average recipient of a WBR bike. Additionally, CollΓ¨ge du LΓ©man Athletics department challenged the boarding students to run a week’s worth of commuting to school for the average recipient of a WBR bike. In the time we took to do this as a relay team, CollΓ¨ge du LΓ©man Athletics thought they could cycle all the way around Lac LΓ©man (170 km).

In a thrilling turn of events, the runners emerged victorious in completing their challenge before the cyclists circled Lac LΓ©man. The boarders and staff showcased their determination, teamwork, and commitment to making a difference.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the entire Boarding Community community for their incredible participation and support in this charity challenge. Your dedication and commitment have made a lasting impact on the lives of students in need, empowering them through the gift of bicycles.

We also extend a special thank you to Mr. Rob, who selflessly accompanied each and every one of our runners, ensuring their safety and motivation throughout the challenge. Your guidance and support were invaluable in making this event a resounding success.


Let’s continue to support meaningful causes and embrace opportunities to make a positive difference in the world. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

Go, Olympus!

From the Olympus staff team: Gordon, Ronan, Ignacio, Rodrigo, Miguel, Rogerio, Roberto and David.


Olympus Students Embrace Exciting Weekend Activities β›³πŸŽΎπŸ§—β€β™‚οΈπŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ„β€β™‚οΈ

Hello, Olympus Boarding House community! We are excited to share the incredible weekend experiences and activities our students enjoyed.

Herman and Aleksei fearlessly ventured into the world of indoor climbing, pushing their limits and conquering challenging heights. With every grip and step, they showcased determination, strength, and a spirit of adventure. Their climbing excursion serves as a reminder to embrace challenges and reach for new heights in life.

Maksim, Diego, Navidreza, Frederico, and Louis took to the water for an exhilarating session of wakeboarding. Riding the waves and performing tricks, they displayed agility, balance, and a love for adventure. Their wakeboarding escapades left them with unforgettable memories and a thirst for more thrilling experiences.

Artem engaged in the timeless game of chess, honing his strategic thinking and mental acuity. Each move and calculated decision showcased his analytical skills and ability to foresee the consequences of his actions. Chess is a game that challenges the mind and fosters critical thinkingβ€”a valuable pursuit for personal growth.

Otabek displayed precision and skill on the golf course, reveling in a day of swinging clubs and navigating challenging terrains. With each stroke, he demonstrated focus, patience, and a passion for the sport. Golf provides an opportunity for both individual growth and appreciation of the surrounding natural beauty.

Lael, Eduard, Bohdan, Roi, Murat, and Nikolai engaged in spirited tennis matches, showcasing their skills and love for the sport. With every serve and powerful stroke, they displayed agility, coordination, and sportsmanship. The friendly competition fostered camaraderie and reminded us of the joy and unity that sports bring.

We applaud Herman, Aleksei, Maksim, Diego, Navidreza, Frederico, Louis, Artem, Otabek, Lael, Eduard, Bohdan, Roi, Murat, and Nikolai for their enthusiasm and the remarkable moments they created. Their dedication to adventure, strategic thinking, and athletic prowess are a testament to the vibrant spirit of our Olympus community.

Let’s continue to celebrate accomplishments, embrace new experiences, and support each other’s endeavors within our close-knit Olympus community. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and remarkable experiences from our talented students!

Go, Olympus!

From the Olympus staff team: Gordon, Ronan, Ignacio, Rodrigo, Miguel, Rogerio, Roberto and David.

🍌πŸ₯πŸŠπŸ“ Celebrating the Last Brunch of the Academic Year πŸ₯¦πŸ₯‘πŸžπŸ©

The last Brunch of the academic year at Olympus High School was a delightful celebration of good food and gratitude. From the nutritious broccoli and grilled salmon to the irresistible pastries and sweets, the Brunch provided a memorable culinary experience for all. As the school year comes to an end, let us extend our deepest appreciation to the kitchen staff for their invaluable contribution to the well-being and enjoyment of the students. We wish them continued success and look forward to more culinary adventures in the future. Bon appΓ©tit!

From the Olympus staff team: Gordon, Ronan, Ignacio, Rodrigo, Miguel, Rogerio, Roberto and David.