Pillar 3: Building Positive Friendships

We continue on the path of our Wellbeing Programme and now begin Pillar 3: Building Positive Friendships.

Undoubtedly, friendships stand as a cornerstone of the Boarding Experience, profoundly influencing and enriching a student’s daily life. In this Pillar, we are dedicated to guiding students in appreciating the value of these relationships, emphasising the importance of maintaining a positive outlook. Adolescents frequently face the challenges of peer pressure, which can have both beneficial and detrimental effects. It’s a crucial life skill to discern whether these friendships are exerting the right kind of influence and contributing positively to their personal growth.

A Friend

By Gillian Jones

A person who listens and not condemn

Someone on whom you can depend

They will not flee when bad times are here

Instead, they will be there to lend an ear

They will think of ways to make you smile

So you can be happy for a while

When times are good and happy thereafter

They will be there to share the laughter

Do not forget your friends at all

For they pick you up when you fall

Do not expect to just take and hold

Give friendship back, it is pure gold.