Pillar 3- What is Microaggression

In our ongoing effort to cultivate a nurturing and inclusive environment, Week 3 of Pillar 3 was dedicated to exploring the complexities and joys of international friendships. These friendships, rich in diversity, open our eyes to new cultures, traditions, and perspectives, contributing immensely to our school’s vibrant community. However, with this diversity comes the responsibility of navigating cultural differences sensitively.

Addressing Microaggressions

Despite the best intentions, cultural misunderstandings can lead to microaggressions – subtle, often unintentional acts of discrimination or insults towards marginalised groups. These can stem from ingrained stereotypes or simply a lack of awareness. Recognising and addressing these microaggressions is crucial for maintaining the integrity and health of international friendships.

Nikolai and Andre gave brilliant definitions of Microaggression and some examples of how we may be guilty of this in our interactions with each other without ill intent.

To deepen understanding and self-awareness, students completed a questionnaire, with the central question being, “What microaggressions have you personally dealt with or witnessed?” This exercise encouraged our boys to reflect on their experiences, share them with their peers, and contribute to a more empathetic and inclusive environment.